Believe it or not, I think I'm the only person in Honduras that makes flash for newgrounds. I have a degree in Computer Science and I currently work as an iOS App Developer :) I also do flash games on my free time.

Age 35, Male

iOS App Developer

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Joined on 1/2/06

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Just got Phantom Hourglass!

Posted by LilDwarf - December 2nd, 2007

So I bought Zelda: Phantom Hourglass today. Holy crap is it fun! The controls are nothing like I've seen before. Finally a game that takes advantage of the DS's Touch Screen. It takes some getting used t, but as you keep playing, the controls get very comfortable and very well made.

I'm also surprised at the complexity of the game. No wonder it got delayed so much! It's really amazing how the programmers make it so when you tap on an enemy, Link slashes him and stuff. There are alot of other things that make this game unique as well such as the way you fight, and most notably, you can write on the map! That is VERY usefull and something that I have always wanted in an adventure game. Every wonder when you see like a crack on the wall, but you don't have bombs to blow it up yet? Well, wit that, you can make a memo to remind you to go there :P It's really fun.

Finally, I'm amazed at how much practice I have lost in these type oof games! I stopped playing Zelda and Mario games for a while and dedicated myself to PC games like FPS or RTS or other types. I played Mario Galaxy recently and i was just bored out of my mind. I didn't enjoy it at all. It must e from all the FPS I've been playing hahaha. Maybe with this game, I'll give my PC a break for a while....until I buy Half Life 2 Ep. 2 and Portal >:)

Just got Phantom Hourglass!


its so fun.

The repetiveness of combat and that one dungeon that you have to keep playing over and over is one of the reasons why I had to put this game down. The control is innovative, but annoying and boring. Soon you'll find that fighting enemies is no more then tapping the touch screen. You little to no control over link, and one of the big freedoms that I cherished in the wind waker (sailing) is even ruined as EVEN the sailing system is automated. None of the puzzles I've seen so far have anything to do with dexterity or thought as much as they have to do with "writing on the map" and "scratching the touch screen". It's just so annoying how they try to innovate everything. I think the game would be better if they just stuck with the standard control stick format.

The game even somehow ruined the innovation of writing on the map by not making it a tool to help you along sometimes, but by making ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PUZZLE related to writing on the map. It's so annoying. This game took about 80% of the freedom away from Zelda games and without the freedom this game is just a very pretty, somewhat boring, point and click adventure.

I will finish this game someday, but I'll probably only get to it by pushing myself to do it.

This game earns a 6/10 from me, and I can hardly believe I'm saying that myself. I love the Zelda games, and I've loved every other title in the series, but this game is spoiled with "innovation"

I haven't played that far to agree or not with you :P Just now, I got to the first island. I agree with you about the ship thing, as it takes out much of the freedom you had in wind waker. You know how the Nintendo guys want to make everything more innovative and more "interactive" . All in all, it just depends on a persons opinion on such interactivity. IMO the Wii gameplay sucks, for example.

I agree. It's really fun.

'I'm also surprised at the complexity of the game"
Dude, it's Zelda! All of them are hard ><

I was talking about how it was made like it's features and how it interacts so well with the Touch Screen. That must have taken the coders a long time to figure out.

Do you think you should've taken advantage of the fact that you're able to post news on the front page with news about your upcoming movies instead of some game you bought? Though, maybe you haven't read Tom's recent post.

I'm pretty sure that's not the ONLY thing I can make news post about. As long as it is a serious post, it's fine. But if you're curious, I started to work on a christmas game that I'll hopefully finish mid December :)

That must be fun.

I actually felt like buying a DS just so I could play this game so you do have a very good sense in style.

Zelda rocks! It's amazing!

There's some really cleverly-made puzzles, too. Wait until you get the boomerang and get past the triforce door.

I stopped playing the game for a while because I got stuck. Some parts are really hard.

My little brother has that game, im waiting for him to play through it so i get get my hairy palmed hands on it. im so down.

I plan to get it today.
I can't wait!

the last boss battle is really fun, if you havent beat the game yet i wont tell anthing else.

that's on my wish list, i want it so much. my friend keeps telling me how good it is. anyone who has it is lucky.

this game is so fun and i agree its hard

Like all Zelda games, it's hard, but also like all of the Zelda games, it rocks!

Wow... you didn't enjoy Super Mario Galaxy??? Why? It is an awesome game, even though it is a bit on the easy side...

I beat the game and I love the ending.