Hey everyone!
I just wanted to inform anyone who wonders, I am currently creating 2 new games! For the fans I have gained from my DK Arcade Remake, I'll be re-making another classic arcade game! It's coming out great, but there is still much to be done. My second game is an all new original game combining platform and shooter gameplay. I am working with a good friend, Ject (Jectoons or JectCrtnMkr) who is developing all the art and I am programming it! Trust me when I say he's an amazing artist and this will be a beautiful game.
I'm happy to be making games again for NG, it's always been my favorite hobby for the last 6 years. I expect to finish these both in a couple of months, maximum.
glad to have you back making games sorry to ask you this but are you going to male Legend of zelda Sim date 2?
Hmmm who knows, but I'm not currently planning on it :S sorry