2008 now marks 2 years on NG! Though it would have been more if I had signed up late 2005 when I started coming to this site <_< but anyways, these have been a very productive 2 years! Now that I'm in college, it's been really hard trying to make more flash and keep up with the classes (I almost flunked one class because I was trying to finish Tofu Turkey)...so I'll have to make that a priority from now on :S That means, I'll take ABIT longer to finish any flash, but it's better that then nothing, right? :)
I've had alot of great ideas this week, and I'm sure to please many fans with some of them.
First of all, I decided to make another sequel to my Doom series! Properly titled Thy Flesh Consumed It's been a while since I did an animation (almost 1 year ago!) so I'll try to even things out this year. I already contacted the same voice actor, and he did an amazing work this time. I expect to release it in 2 months or so.
I have another animation I've been wanting to make. It'll be drawn and will be FBF. It's titled after the song that I put in called Row. If you have seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the song will sound very familiar :) It's a very calm and relaxing piece that I think would fit well in a small music video. Release will depend on when I actually start it :3
After reading many reviews in my game LoZ - Simdate RPG, I saw how so many people requested a sequel. So in light of how well received the first one was, I deccided to make another one! I have some great ideas that I'll have to organize and I'll introduce many new things, such as different girls, and I've wanted to make it so you make your own fate depending on how you interact with the world. This will be a very complex project that'll probably take most of the year to make. THe release is unknown, but it WILL be done!
Finally, I've been a bit undecided about this next one, but a recent PM made me make up my mind. I decided to make a Pick of Destiny 3! This time, I will be using real rock songs. I'll probably make new picks because the ones I made are probably overdone by now :S I didn't wanted to make this because making rythm games isn't really what I love, but the other ones were well recieved, and continue getting alot of views!
Besides the ones mentioned, I'll probably throw in a small game or two in between. So that's about it. I'm looking forward to what this year brings!