Believe it or not, I think I'm the only person in Honduras that makes flash for newgrounds. I have a degree in Computer Science and I currently work as an iOS App Developer :) I also do flash games on my free time.

Age 35, Male

iOS App Developer

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Joined on 1/2/06

Exp Points:
12,194 / 12,830
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Vote Power:
7.50 votes
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LilDwarf's News

Posted by LilDwarf - April 14th, 2008

I haven't made an update in a while so I might as well do one now :)

I have postponed my projects for a while now since college is taking more of my time than I thought. Also I got a hold of Flash CS3, so I decided to start over my Doom submission (which I was working on) and re-do it on CS3. I didn't do much anyways so it doesn't matter :P

But before I change to CS3, I'm working on a small rythm game with a fellow NG user (I forgot his name..Ject-something). He asked me to help him make a rythm game as I have made before and I accepted his offer This game, though, is for a school project of his, so it's not aimed for the NG audience as I always make my submissions. He said he wanted to submit it to NG as well, but I'm not sure about that since we are using songs sung in spanish, all of them are by Mago de Oz, for those who are familiar with them, and I'm not sure the NG Audience will accept a submission like that.

Let me know your opinions, friends! :) Here's a pic of the menu hehe

Postponing Projects

Posted by LilDwarf - February 20th, 2008

So,today i decided to clean out most of my games of their bugs. I worked all day and I'm happy to say that I fixed alot of things! NOTE that since most of these submissions have over 5k views, due to security reasons, it takes about 2 or 3 days for them to get updated with the bug-free version :S

The following games have had major bug fixing:
- Paper Clause
- Tofu Turkey
- The Pick of Destiny
- Christmas Rush

I didn't work on the Simdate since it's bugs are too tedious to look for and are those type of bugs that don't bother much the gameplay. I WILL be fixing the shooting range this week, so stay tuned for that.

Also, I am currently trying to fix PoD 2, since it has an ugly bug I want to fix. I'll see what I can do.

Finally, I couldn't get as much work done on Christmas Rush since it's somewhat long, and I'm running short of Beta Testers :S If you want to help me out, you can by playing Christmas Rush, and looking for any bugs in there, and sending me a screencap of the bug :)

On an unrelated note, I have started to work on my new Doom submission, and a small game I am making with another user on NG! After that I'll get started on the new Simdate and The PoD 3! Exciting times are ahead!

Posted by LilDwarf - January 6th, 2008

2008 now marks 2 years on NG! Though it would have been more if I had signed up late 2005 when I started coming to this site <_< but anyways, these have been a very productive 2 years! Now that I'm in college, it's been really hard trying to make more flash and keep up with the classes (I almost flunked one class because I was trying to finish Tofu Turkey)...so I'll have to make that a priority from now on :S That means, I'll take ABIT longer to finish any flash, but it's better that then nothing, right? :)

I've had alot of great ideas this week, and I'm sure to please many fans with some of them.

First of all, I decided to make another sequel to my Doom series! Properly titled Thy Flesh Consumed It's been a while since I did an animation (almost 1 year ago!) so I'll try to even things out this year. I already contacted the same voice actor, and he did an amazing work this time. I expect to release it in 2 months or so.

I have another animation I've been wanting to make. It'll be drawn and will be FBF. It's titled after the song that I put in called Row. If you have seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the song will sound very familiar :) It's a very calm and relaxing piece that I think would fit well in a small music video. Release will depend on when I actually start it :3

After reading many reviews in my game LoZ - Simdate RPG, I saw how so many people requested a sequel. So in light of how well received the first one was, I deccided to make another one! I have some great ideas that I'll have to organize and I'll introduce many new things, such as different girls, and I've wanted to make it so you make your own fate depending on how you interact with the world. This will be a very complex project that'll probably take most of the year to make. THe release is unknown, but it WILL be done!

Finally, I've been a bit undecided about this next one, but a recent PM made me make up my mind. I decided to make a Pick of Destiny 3! This time, I will be using real rock songs. I'll probably make new picks because the ones I made are probably overdone by now :S I didn't wanted to make this because making rythm games isn't really what I love, but the other ones were well recieved, and continue getting alot of views!

Besides the ones mentioned, I'll probably throw in a small game or two in between. So that's about it. I'm looking forward to what this year brings!

2008 projects!

Posted by LilDwarf - December 13th, 2007

Production on my new game, Christmas Rush is going great. Now that I'm out of college, I can dedicate all my time to finishing this game before Christmas! So far, I've completed all art and the general interface. I have been working on the engine these past days, and I'm happy to say that I finally got it working! Looks pretty steady, but we'll see. At this rate, I think it'll be ready in about 1-2 weeks. Here's a screenie of it. Opinions on the art is appreciated, as now is a good time if I would redo some cars.

Christmas Rush progress

Posted by LilDwarf - December 2nd, 2007

So I bought Zelda: Phantom Hourglass today. Holy crap is it fun! The controls are nothing like I've seen before. Finally a game that takes advantage of the DS's Touch Screen. It takes some getting used t, but as you keep playing, the controls get very comfortable and very well made.

I'm also surprised at the complexity of the game. No wonder it got delayed so much! It's really amazing how the programmers make it so when you tap on an enemy, Link slashes him and stuff. There are alot of other things that make this game unique as well such as the way you fight, and most notably, you can write on the map! That is VERY usefull and something that I have always wanted in an adventure game. Every wonder when you see like a crack on the wall, but you don't have bombs to blow it up yet? Well, wit that, you can make a memo to remind you to go there :P It's really fun.

Finally, I'm amazed at how much practice I have lost in these type oof games! I stopped playing Zelda and Mario games for a while and dedicated myself to PC games like FPS or RTS or other types. I played Mario Galaxy recently and i was just bored out of my mind. I didn't enjoy it at all. It must e from all the FPS I've been playing hahaha. Maybe with this game, I'll give my PC a break for a while....until I buy Half Life 2 Ep. 2 and Portal >:)

Just got Phantom Hourglass!

Posted by LilDwarf - November 12th, 2007

I have submitted my new flash game Tofu Turkey! It took alot of hours of work and I'm happy on how it turned out.

This game might be very hard for some of you, so if you're stuck, read the walkthrough posted on the author comments. Leave a review and vote!

On another note, I now have a few projects I want to finish. First of all, I'll finish all my parts for thhe Classic Doom Collab I'm making with Bigfoot3290 and Orange. If we're lucky, we'll be able to submit sometime before Christmas but II'm not sure. Besides The Doom Collab, I'm gonna start working on a new Christmas game in about a week or 2. So you can be sure I'll be submitting at least one more flash this year!

Posted by LilDwarf - October 18th, 2007

I finally finished it :) PoD 2 Read my author comments, vote, and leave a review!

Posted by LilDwarf - September 27th, 2007

In an unexpecting omove, Tom has made a Doom Collection! I've been asking for on since I was making my Doom series :) over a year ago. This makes me want to do another Doom movie :3

Doom Collection!

Posted by LilDwarf - September 10th, 2007

After making my game, The Pick of Destiny, I recieved alot of reviews complainnig that the game didn't had any Tenacious D songs. After I while, I thought it would be a good idea to make another "Pick of Destiny" but with Tenacious D songs instead.

I'm not sure so that's why I ask...what's your opinion?

Posted by LilDwarf - August 13th, 2007

Fellow newgrounds users and friends, Bigfoot3290, and Orange and myself are making a new project code named "Doom Collab" haha

It will be hand drawn...though I have to admit I have never made a quality hand drawn animation before....>_< I'll give it a try..hope I can do a good job haha...Expect it before December..I'm not good with release dates so I better not say anything. Look forward to it!